Multiple U.S. states have already passed extended producer responsibility for packaging policies and related legislation, and the ramp-up for those laws is ongoing. Now, attention is on rulemaking, implementation and compliance timelines.
There are a lot of dates and developments to keep track of. Look below to learn more about recent updates, and scroll down to see a calendar of projected milestones for the next few years announced by state agencies in California, Colorado, Maine, Minnesota and Oregon where implementation is underway.
Recent EPR developments:
- The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency named an 18-member packaging EPR advisory board, including leaders from Ameripen, American Beverage and American Forest and Paper Association.
- Circular Action Alliance, which is the PRO for Colorado’s packaging EPR program, submitted its initial plan proposal to Colorado’s Producer Responsibility Advisory Board describing how it will implement the program. The 90-day clock is ticking for the board to review the plan and provide feedback.
- Packaging Dive covered the role of life cycle assessments in Oregon’s packaging EPR program.
You can sort select deadlines before 2030 by state or date below.
We’ll adjust this list as timelines advance or shift. Do you know of additional deadlines or changes? Please help us stay up to date by sending a message.