Multiple U.S. states have already passed extended producer responsibility for packaging policies and related legislation, and the ramp-up for those laws is ongoing. Now, attention is on rulemaking, implementation and compliance timelines.

There are a lot of dates and developments to keep track of. Look below to learn more about recent updates, and scroll down to see a calendar of projected milestones for the next few years announced by state agencies in California, Colorado, Maine, Minnesota and Oregon where implementation is underway.

December EPR developments:

  • CalRecycle published its source reduction baseline report and updated covered material categories list on Dec. 31, 2024, as required by SB 54.
  • Maine’s Board of Environmental Protection finalized rules for the state’s packaging EPR law, due to take effect in 2027.
  • Massachusetts is set to form an EPR commission for packaging that would share recommendations to the state legislature by Jan. 15, 2026.
  • Maryland’s EPR advisory council, awaiting results of a needs assessment, in early December was still drafting recommendations for the state legislature that could inform a future EPR bill. A state law passed in 2023 had stipulated the group deliver recommendations by Dec. 1, 2024.

You can sort select deadlines before 2030 by state or date below.

We’ll adjust this list as timelines advance or shift. Do you know of additional deadlines or changes? Please help us stay up to date by sending a message.